We dropped Emily off at the Portland Temple in Lake Oswego, and since we were there, we decided to go to a French bakery near Paul's work for a delicious breakfast. After stuffing our faces, Paul and I decided it was time to buy James his first Wiffle ball and bat! It was a gorgeous day, so we went to a big field at a middle school close by and had a great time playing 2 on 2 Wiffle baseball with our friends, the Belnaps. Thanks for coming to play, guys! In the match up of the Petersons versus the Belnaps, the Petersons did very well and kept a pretty good lead until they blew it in the last inning (I tried to tell Paul it was a bad idea for me to pitch! ;) ). The Belnaps went home Champions. :) I'm thinking we need a rematch. Ha ha. What do you think Adam and Claudia?
Anyway, we did spend some time trying to teach James to swing a bat, but he wasn't really interested. He was more into chasing the balls around and enjoying the sunshine. Here are some cute pictures we took of James with his new toys:
James now says "bat", and he toddles around the living room dragging his bat all over the place saying "bat! bat! bat!" It's pretty cute. :)
Tell us more about the wiffle ball game . . . Jennie . . . and pitching . . .
Oh, it is SOOO on! We had a great time, too!
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